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tv   Around the World  CNN  October 28, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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spent many, many hours talking to him during his incarceration. i believe he's perfectly capable of practicing medicine. just because he sang that song doesn't mean he's an adequate doctor. >> we'd like to continue this as it progresses through the system. we invite to you come back at another time. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> and thank you, everyone, for watching. i'm flat out of time. "around the world" starts right "around the world" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- we begin this hour at fbi headquarters in washington. president obama set to speak at the installation ceremony for the bureau's new director james kommy. >> set to happen any moment now, and of course, we are not going to miss a minute of it bringing it to you live as soon as it begins. i'm suzanne malveaux. this is around the world on cnn. >> i'm michael holmes. we're going to welcome our international viewers.
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>> good to see you again. >> a little week off didn't hurt anyone. international viewers will be with us on the program all week. >> we're watching at the fbi welcomes a new chief, james kommy. he has been on the job for almost two months now. >> but the for malts are taking place today and president obama is there to do the honors at what they are calling the installation ceremony today. commie is a republican, a former federal prosecutor and an outs spoke on opponent of the eavesdropping under the former president george bush. >> now he takes office and a growing outrage over revelations how extensively the nsa has been spying both here and around the world. want to bringing in wolf blitzer out of washington. and wolf, first of all, this is an interesting situation. he is a republican and was covering the white house at the time in march of 2004 when he was the acting attorney general. this story is what a lot of folks talk about.
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he went to the hospital where that's where the attorney general ashcroft was. he was ill and comie refused to sign off on the domestic wiretapping program that was so controversial back then. there was a lot of pressure for ashcroft to sign and for comie to sign, as well. he said no, i'm not doing this and threatened to resign till he resolved the issue with president bush. now he says that the nsa and not the wiretapping but the spying is okay. that it's actually a reasonable thing to do. is he changing his tone here? >> not really because if you remember, i'm sure you do and a lot of viewers will remember, what he was really upset with and why he went to the hospital bed of then attorney general john ashcroft and said you can't authorize this is because others within the bush administration wanted to engage in surveilance and wiretaps without warrants, without court orders. he said you can't do that. we need to have a court order
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whether from the foreign intelligence surveilance court, the fisa court or some other court. and the whole issue whether should be warrantless wiretaps or wiretaps with a warrant. he said you have to have the warrant. ashcroft eventually sided with him and he won that battle during the bush administration. right now he supports surveilance, nsa surveilance because he says they're authorized by the president of the united states, authorized by courts, authorized by the leblg latetive branch of government. so he sees the distinction between warrantless wiretapping and wire taps that are authorized. >> of course, wolf, he's heading up the fbi. a lot of the controversy though is over the nsa and the spying there. how do the two the organizations dove tail, if you like? do they work hand in hand? what are the differences between the roles? they work pretty closely. the fbi's charged with domestic law enforcement, if you will. the nsa has a worldwide responsibility. the nsa provides information to
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the fbi which the fbi can then follow up on if they have some indication there may be a terrorist plot under way in the united states, they would give that information to the fbi. the fbi would thin pursue it and see if there's something really there or not there. but they work closely together. one of the big problems before 9/11 was there wasn't enough coordination between the left-hand of the u.s. government and the right hand of the u.s. government. after 9/11 they did implement much greater coordination. as a result the nsa, the cia, other law enforcement, whether military and, of course, the fbi, department of homeland security, they worked much more closely together and there's a director of national intelligence hogs now oversees all 16 different u.s. intelligence agencies. as a result, they're supposedly do things a lot more coordinated and a lot better way. >> would he have, thanks so much. and to remind the viewers we'll bring you the president when his remarks begin. >> the international community
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voicing a lot of concern and anger, quite frankly, over the u.s. monitoring the phone calls of world leaders. a "wall street journal" reports u.s. officials as saying that the national security agency tapped the phones or intercepted messages from the leaders of 35 countries. that includes a lot of the u.s. allies. >> a lot of people are offended. brazil and mexico lodging complaints about the u.s., spying on them. in europe, friends including germany, france and spain, they're furious. a spanish newspaper reporting today that the nsa scanned 60 million phone calls in spain. get this, in a period of one month, be december last year to january. >> we've got correspondents around the world covering the blowback that is facing the united states. first up, want to check in reaction from spain where as we said, the claim 60 million intercepts. al goodman is joining us from madrid. >> reporter: suzanne, there is the spanish government summoned
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the u.s. ambassador to madrid to give an explanation. that happened earlier. afterwards, the spanish foreign ministry issued a statement warning washington there has to be a balance between security and the right of the citizens to have privacy. so there is in their communications so there is a warning shot across the bow from madrid. for the average spanish citizen, these latest revelations about the 60 million intercepts is just coming to light in one of the main newspapers here but there is a healthy respect for the united states but also distrust for washington here in many quarters. suzanne in. >> and al, too, we know that the u.s. ambassador called in, got a bit of a grilling. you know, what came out of that, and when it comes to the relationship between spain and the u.s., what if these claims are true? >> reporter: well, neither the u.s. ambassador nor the spanish foreign ministry officials, none came out to speak to cameras. they're trying to sort of keep a lid on this for right now. but spain has not confirmed that
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this spying took place. they say if confirmed, it would be totally unacceptable. >> al, thanks so much. let's go over to germany. chancellor angela merkel wanted to know directly from the president whether her own personal phone was tapped. diana magnate is in berlin. the chancellor did say the trust between the united states and europe has to be, in her words, re-established. what does she mean by that? how does that happen and what are the german reactions to claims of being spied on by their mates? >> well, justice, the basis as the of any good political relationship. when she she's trust has been broken, you can see how angry she is. she was a woman who grew up in the former east germany and understands what living in a police state is like. she remembers how much the east german spy network disrupted the very basis of society.
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and so do so many germans, michael. that's why when she says and the german people say that it is not right to spy on friends, they're speaking from bitter experience. >> all right, diana magnay, thank you so much. the state department at least joining us there. we know one of the things that at least the white house is claiming is that the president didn't know about all of this, that he was unaware of this. what's worse here in this situation? if you've got essentially a president not aware of what his spy agencies are doing or someone who says yes, i do know but he denies it? >> suzanne, the answer to either of those questions is completely unsatisfying, either president obama is shaving the truth a little and he did know in some way the white house said that the head of the nsa, keith alexander, did not previous him. perhaps someone else did. so either he's not telling it the whole truth or he had no idea which means his aides are
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keeping him in the dark. that raises questions of whether he's in an ivory tower, doesn't have a handle on what's going on. so that raises a lot of questions about his leadership, his administration, and i think when you look at what the allies are thinking, they're asking those questions, as well. >> elyse, just a quick follow up here. are there any allies the white house going back to them saying we share intelligence. this is a good thing for everybody. perhaps we've gone too far in listening in on personal cell phone calls but this is to protect all of our allies when it comes to going against these terrorist plots figuring out where that leads to, that this protects everyone? >> well, there is an element of everybody does it, suzanne. but at the same time, when you say everybody does it it, it's like apples and oranges because clearly the united states has surveilance capabilities that far surpass any of the countries that we're talking about. also, yes, the u.s. maintains these surveilance programs are
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to foil terrorists but angela merkel has to come back and the allies have to come back and say, well, are you saying that i am under suspicion for terrorism? there's really no correlation between tapping the personal phone of an ally and any of these terrorist plots. so it raises questions, are these for political motives, to find out what germany and other countries are doing on syria, on iran, the euro crisis? . it moves more into the breadth and the scope here. >> all right. elyse labott at the state department, diana, thank you all, appreciate. the president gets a presidential daily brief. it's a notebook, comes to the residence every morning. he takes a look at it. it's all the security threats around the world aggregated intelligence. would he be able to tell that that was a cell phone call from angela merkel or is it all a general kind of statement, general threats? >> a lot of people wondering how
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he doesn't know. and if not, why not? as you pointed out. yeah, there's a lot more to come out on this story. when we come back, how this latest spying report, we'll look more into how it impacts u.s. foreign relations. a lot of countries a little bit of annoyed with the u.s. at the moment. >> we're looking at ferry services disrupted in the uk after a huge storm wipes out power in huge parts of the country. and a search for a missing teen is suspended due to rough waters. the latest on the storm's aftermath. and then obama care. the website crashed during a weekend makeover. "saturday night live," well, you can imagine having a bit of fun at thecration's expense. this is cnn. you're watching "around the world." man: i know the name of eight princesses. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties.
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unisom sleeptabs help you fall asleep 33% faster and wake refreshed. unisom. a stressful day deserves a restful night. all right. we're waiting for president obama. he's going to be speaking shortly at the installation smoechbt new fbi director james comey. we'll bring that to you live as soon as it starts. >> should be in a few minutes or so from now. meanwhile this, a powerful atlantic storm absolutely battered southern england. there were wind gusts up to 100 mice of hour. have a look at that, that's the surf pounding on the shore. >> you can also see the flooding that's also reported there. 2,000 homes, businesses now out of power. that is amazing. britain expects storms like this in the winter but it is autumn, and the ground is saturated. many trees fell over as a result
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of all of this. >> we've got it covered with atika schubert in london, also alexandre steel in the weather center. first to london and you atika. i was in london in i think it was '87, and '90 where there were two huge storms. this wasn't as big as that but unexpected in many ways. the time of the year and there were deaths, as well. what was it like there? i know you were out and about in the middle of it. >> yeah, we were in brighten off the south coast. there were some really strong winds there. it wasn't quite as big as the storm in '87 but we're talking winds gusting at about 99 miles per hour. it was enough to almost knock you off your feet at its peak. unfortunately it also knocked a number of trees down that caused a lot of damage crash on to cars, and to a home where a 17-year-old girl was sleeping, she was killed. also huge waves and a 14-year-old boy was swept out to sea and the certainly and recovery team is still looking for him now. >> atika, we know that more than
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200,000 homes, businesses don't even have power. i imagine this is really a great hardship for a lot of folks had how quickly are they going to get their power back and do they think this will get worse? >> i don't think it's going to get worse. the storm has passed and people are quickly getting their power back. it could have been a lot worse. it's quite good they were able to recover as quickly as they did. >> thank you so much. let's go to alexandre steel now. and alexandre, of course, you know, it hit england, battered england but then kept on going into europe. where is it now? what sort of problems are they having? >> the worst is over. here's the uk. the worst is over. 99-mile-per-hour gusts in southern england. this is the nor sea, norway, sweden and denmark it's moving north and east. the really most powerful aspect, the winds.
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70-mile-per-hour gusts right now in amsterdam. hamburg at 3, copenhagen, 106 wind gusts right now. that's where the worst of it is. flights certainly impacted. europe's busy, heathrow and london. 130 flights already have been canceled. if you're flying to amsterdam or brussels, paris, all these cities will be impacted. although the worst is over for the uk heading toward sweden and denmark. in london, the underground and express trains were suspended because of the winds. >> thanks so much. big problems there for europe. thanks to you in the weather center. atika in london, our thanks to you also. >> and another obama care, another meltdown for the website. now tech giants including a former head of tech projects for the white house are now saying silicon valley would have done a better job setting up the internet exchange. you're watching cnn. the secret is out. hydration is in.
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all right. just take a look at live pictures there. white house and also fbi headquarters. that is where the president you see, let's listen in for a moment. and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ that our flag was still
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there ♪ ♪ oh, say does that spar spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ oe 'are the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave >> president obama will be making some remarks very shortly. this is the installation ceremony of the new fbi director, james comey. and this is taking place. he's been direct are now sworn in for a couple months. he's already spoken out about the controversial nsa program and as well the shooting at the naval yards. he's already been a very busy
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person. >> he's already been doing the job but this is the installation ceremony. formalities. >> we'll bring it to you live. >> let's talk health care. if you go to the website, you're not going to see that familiar young face there anymore. that young lady might have asked to be taken off after all that's been going on. the disappearance of the so-called obama girl is part of the website's makeover. we're all watching the site essentially over the weekend, it crashed. another problem preventing anybody who wanted to apply for coverage. lawyer an ra sigel is following that angle from new york. laurie, so much for the disappearing model that was used there. people want to know, is this thing working? >> well, i wanted to know that, too. i tried logging on about 20, 30 minutes ago. suzanne, am going to report to you, it is still down. it got an error message ha said we're having technical difficulties and went on to give
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a phone number where you could call to call in for your options. but what we're seeing here and what i think is pretty interesting and talking to folks in the valley, there's a real innovation problem when it ms cos to innovating within the government. i spoke to the first chief information officer at the white house. he was the first there. and he later left to go to silicon valley, become an executive at sales force, a cloud computing company. he talked to me about some of the biggest problems. listen to what he said. >> there is actually a close ecosystem of players that know how the procurement process, would. they have people who know how to look at the system and recognize that the way you make money is by throwing more bodies at the problem and engineer in your favor from a profit perspective rather than figuring out a way to deliver the best product, the best solution at the lowest cost. >> and you know, essentially, suzanne, what he's saying is if
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you're going to contract out, contract out to the best and brightest, the folks in silicon valley. the people they're contracting out to have a lot of incentive to put a lot of bodies on the job, to write a lot of lines of code and that can be inefficient and doesn't necessarily translate to the lean startup mentality which translates to success. >> do they have any sense how soon they're going to get this back up and running? >> they're working 24/7 on it. we will keep trying to log in and keep you updated. >> try to find the obama care girl too, she's one of the best known faces in the country at the moment. she's probably gone noon hiding. >> i'm on it. >> get on to that. laurie segall there. >> more criticism of the administration. fresh reports about the extent of nsa surveilance of lead erds around the world. how the latest spying reports threaten president obama's relationship abroad. >> you're watching cnn's "around the world." we'll be right back. tion? ♪
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nsa surveilance, what it means around the world. a lot of countries from germany to brazil annoyed with the u.s. well, jake tapper interviewed former vice president dick cheney. they discussed surveilance programs on our allies. take a listen to this. >> all this news that the u.s. conducted surveilance on our own allies, some of the documents posted by or leaked by edward snowden to the media indicate these programs started in 2002. why spy on an ally? >> jake, if there were such a program, it would be classified. i couldn't talk about it. it would be totally inappropriate. i haven't been in the loop obviously for more than four years. so it's just one of those subjects i couldn't discuss. >> without getting specific, on a theoretical basis, what is the interest of the united states in conducting surveilance on a country or a leader who is a clear ally of the united states? >> i've got to go with the
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answer i've given you. let me say this. we do have a fantastic intelligence capability worldwide against all kinds of potential issues and concerns. we are vulnerable as was shown on 9/11. and you never know what you're going to need when you need it. the fact is we do collect a lot of intelligence. without speaking of any particular target or group of targets that intelligence capability is enormously important to the united states to our conduct of foreign policy, to the defense matters, to economic matters. and i'm a strong supporter of it. >> do you think the snowden leaks have hurt america's ability to defend itself? >> i do. i think he's a traitor. i hope we can catch him at some point and that he receives the justice he deserves. >> and the full interview with dick cheney going to air this afternoon on the lead with jake
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tapper at 4:00 p.m. eastern. you're not going to want to miss that. also want to bring in christiane amanpour in the london news room talking about the nsa, the spying, of course, the aftermath of the allies really upset about this. one thing you said earlier today that really struck us here is that you said there was a deficit of good will among u.s. allies. and that's part of the reason why they are so so frustrated and angry right now. why is there a deficit of good will among our allies? >> well, it's interesting you just played that clip of former vice president cheney. let's go back to the cheney/bush years which april pex was all the angst and anger over the unite at the iraq war. when president obama came into office, part of what he said to europeans even before he was elected, i was will in berlin when he spoke to the german public and they came out in hundreds of thousands to listen to the president or the candidate obama say that you know, we must rebuild trust
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between ours. we must must do all these things. he was hailed as precisely the, quote unquote, anti-bush hero particularly when he was elected and his popularity was sky high. you remember that the nobel prize was given to him in part reflecting that very persona that he was projecting, this new trust, this change in america's relationship over those previous eight years of president bush. we, now, what the german public and the french public and others are saying, hang on a second. he's just the same. he's just like all the others. there are the spying scandal dales. that happened under bush-cheney and happening now. that is part of what it is. publics are very upset. let's leave aside the leaders for a second and leaders are playing to the public opinion. on the other hand, in terms of traditional american foreign policy, over the last couple of decades, the united states did a
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lot of burden sharing, frankly heavy lifting on all the things europe was doing. >> the president is speaking now. we're going to go ahead and listen in. >> abroad. you lock up criminals. you secure the homeland against the threat of terrorism. without a lot of fanfare, without seeking the spotlight, you do your jobs. all the while, upholding our most cherished values and the rule of law. fidelity, bravery, integrity. that's your motto. and today, we're here to welcome a remarkable new leader for this remarkable institution, one who lives those principles out every single day, mr. jim comey. before i get to jim, i want to thank all the predecessors who
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are here today. we are grateful for your service. i have to give a special shoutout to bob muller who served longer than he was supposed to. but he was such an extraordinary leader through some of the most difficult times that we've had in national security, and i consider him a friend and i'm so grateful for him being here today. thank you very much. now, jim has dedicated his life to defending our laws. to making sure that all americans can trust our justice system to protect their rights and their well-being. he's the grandson of a beat cop. he's a prosecutor who held
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bring down the gambinos. he's the relentless attorney who fought to stem the bloody tide of gun violence, rub out white collar crime, deliver justice to the terrorists. it's just about impossible 0 find a matter of justice he has not tackled, and it's hard to imagine somebody who is not more uniquely qualified to lead a bureau that covers all of it. traditional threats like violent and organized crime to the constantly changing threats like terrorism and cyber security. so he's got the resume. but of course, jim is also a famously cool character. he's the calmest in the room during a crisis. here's what a fellow former prosecutor said about him. he said, you know that rudyard kipling line "if you can keep
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your head when all about you are losing theirs," that's jim. there's also a story from the time during his prosecution of the gambino crime family, one of the defendants was an alleged hitman named lorenzo. and during the trial, jim won an award from the new york city bar association when the court convened the next morning, everybody was buzzing about it and suddenly a note was passed down from the defendant's table across the aisle to the prosecutor's table. it was handed to jim and it read, dear jim, congratulations on your award no one deserves it more than you. you're a true professional. sincerely, are lorenzo. sincerely lorenzo. we don't know how sincere he was. we don't know whether this was a veiled threat or a plea for leniency or an honest compliment. but i think it is fair to say that jim has won the respect of
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folks across the spectrum. including lorenzo. he's the perfect perfect leader for an organization whose walls are graced by the words of a legendary former director. the most effective weapon against crime is cooperation. jim has worked with many of the more than 35,000 men and women of the fbi over the course of his long and distinguished career. and it's his admiration and respect for all of you individually, his recognition of the hard work that you do every day, sometimes under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, not just the folks out in the field but also folks working the back rooms, doing the hard work, out of sight. his recognition that that your mission is important is what compelled him to answer the call to serve his country again.
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the fbi joins forces with our intelligence, our military and homeland security professionals to break up all manner of threats from taking down drug rings to stopping those who prey on children to breaking up al qaeda cells to disrupting their activities thwarting their plots, and your mission keeps expanding. because the nature of the threats are always changing. unfortunately, the resources allotted to that mission has been reduced by sequestration. i'll keep fighting for those resources. because our country asks and expects a lot from you and we should make sure you've got the resources you need to do the job. especially when many of your colleagues put their lives on the line on a daily basis, all to serve and protect our fellow citizens, the least we can do is make sure you've got the resources for it and that your operations are not disrupted because of politics in this town.
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[ applause ] now, the good news is things like courage, leadership, judgment and compassion, those resources are potentially at least inexhaustible. so it's critical we seek out the best people to serve, folks who have earned the public trust who the have excellent judgment, even the most difficult circumstances. those who possess not just a keen knowledge of the law, but also a moral compass that have they and we can always count on. and that's what we've got in jim comey. i'll tell you, i interviewed a number of extraordinary candidates for this job. all with sterling credentials. but what gave me confidence that this was the right man for the job wasn't his degrees and wasn't his resume. it was in talking to him and
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seeing his amazing family, a sense that this is somebody who knows what's right and what's wrong. and is willing to act on that basis every single day. and that's why i'm so grateful that he signed up to serve again. i will spare you yet another joke about how today no one stands taller. icismply want to thank jim for accepting this role. i want to thank patrice and the five remarkable children that they've got because jobs like this are a team effort, as you well know. and i want to thank most of all the men and women of the fbi. i'm proud of your work. i'm greatful for your service. i'm absolutely confident that this agencying will continue top flourish with jim at the helm. and if he gets lost in the building, i want you guys to help him out.
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because i guarantee you that he's going to have your back, make sure you've got his back, as well. thank you very much, everybody. god bless you. [ applause ] >> brief remarks from the president. they are wrapping up the installation of james comey there. i think he's more than six feet tall. it is a running joke among some nest white house. but he was confirmed in july and you know, interesting person. he's a republican. he took on martha stewart for the obstruction of justice case and was was 2009 on the short list actually for a supreme court nomination, 2013, this year, wrote a friend of the court brief to the supreme court supporting same-sex marriage. so he's in a very well rounded individual. we're going to take a quick break and move on. [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes.
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welcome back. an international team overseeing the dismantling of syria's chemical weapons arsenal just issued its first report that says that inspectors have now visited 21 of 23 weapons sites that were disclosed by damascus. >> this comes one day after the regime met its deadline for submitting a plan for getting rid of its chemical stockpiles. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons says two remaining sites in syria have not been visited due to security concerns. of course, you remember, i mean a civil war still raging across the country making getting to these sites sometimes quite difficult. and. beijing's tiananmen square a jeep plowed into a crowd killing five people including the driver and a couple of tourists. this happened today. more than three dozen others were hurt. the car eventually hit this
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guardrail, part of the bridge that leads to the city. it then burst into flames. for a while it closed off a busy part of what is the heart of the chinese capital. david mckin zi says police still don't know what caused the accident. >> russia is in a race to finish its olympic venues on time. the world is watching closely. putin is taking a very personal interest in had project, and that it has to be said is moving things along. last minute problems are mounting though. as fast as the price tag. now sochi is now the costliest olympic games on record, $51 billion and counting. here's phil black. >> reporter: from a distance, this olympic park looks close to ready, shiny new sports venues finished and tests. look closer, there's so much to do. top of the lit, finish the stadium. it's not hosting any sport but it will be the stage for the opening ceremony. the people directing that spectacle have demanded big
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changes to the design, including a roof. russia is not famous for its efficiency so delivering all this on time will be a statement to the world. it's one reason why president vladimir putin is taking such a personal interest. demittory gregoria manages the speed skating arena and says putin's regular visits and direct oversight have made a dig difference. >> i'm not going to say why or how but it has, believe me. >> you're seeing things happen? >> yes. >> sochi's other challenge, overhauling the city's soviet era infrastructure. the skyline is a mess of kraens and partially completed buildings, many of them much needed hotels and then there's the traffic. it's appalling. sochi's mayor is firmly on team putin. and insist hes somehow it will all be fixed in three months. security is an especially big concern at these games because russia's islamic terrors have promised to disrupt them.
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organizers can't even rely on mother nature to the deliver white stuff. it's subtropical here. so snowfall is patchy. that's why they're steering vast amounts of last season's snow just in case. phil black, cnn, sochi. >> while on the subject, russia's president vladimir putin has just sort of made an announcement. he actually said that russia would welcome regardless of sexual orientation and other things everyone to the sochi olympics. of course, russia has very prohibitive anti-gay laws, and so that's been a controversy for some time. an interesting development there seeing we're doing everything both the organizers and fans so that guests feel comfortable in sochi regardless of nationality, race or orientation. >> a lot of athletes saying this is going to be a very uncomfortable situation. we don't want to participate into given the loss that exist there. >> in saudi arabia women are not
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alloweded to drive. over the weekend, saudi arabian women defied their government and took to the streets driving their cars. but while tensions were high, some saudis actually saw humor in this historic event. ♪ ♪ no, no woman no drive she loves a lot of the same things you do. it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use
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and new car replacement standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual today. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? we are currently waiting to hear from the white house after of course, all this latest over the nsa and spying. the nsa says president obama didn't know about the tapping of world leaders' private phone calls. we are going to bring that you briefing live when it happens. sure there will be plenty of questions. >> they'll be walking through momentarily. dozens of saudi women jumped their cars this past weekend and hit the road. a protest the country's informal ban on women driving. while this is going on, there
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were some bloggers took to the internet. put a little music to it. would he thought it was kind of funny. both sides seemed to be laughing a little bit about this. >> a couple of comedians in saudi arabia. mohammed jamjoom has this story. ♪ ♪ ♪ no, woman no drive >> laughs were the last thing anyone expected in saudi arabia on saturday. tensions were high. women had been warned. >> yesterday was a very serious day. i mean it was full of nerve-racking news and a lot of anticipation. >> worry over women getting behind the wheel in the last country on earth that doesn't allow it. >> hi, guys. this is me driving for the first time. i'm here 0 support our case in letting women drive in saudi arabia. >> dozens of saudi females took a spin as a few saudi males posted a new spin on an old
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classic. ♪ ♪ of course, the driver can take you everywhere ♪ ♪ because the queen don't drive ♪ >> these women didn't wait for drivers. for once enjoying the open roads of a closed society. miles were abundant. it's when this video that the laughs began. a reworking of bob marley's no woman, no cry. for this occasion, no woman, no drive. i spoke to the song's creators in riyadh via skype. >> what have you been hearing as far as the reaction from women? >> what do they think of the video. >> a lot of ladies thought we were against the woman driving >> they told me that's not the case. they just wanted to spread a little cheer. apparently they have. the clip has gone viral in a big way with more than a million views on youtube in less than 24
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hours. >> for me personally it's been very loving and supportive. of course, you're going to get criticism. you're online doing comedy. everybody's a critic. >> in the ultra conservative kingdom, the driving movement has many fierce critics, a lot of them are women. society is the still very much split on the issue. this woman drove through the streets last week but was too worried to do so again on saturday. >> still she was able to take a little comfort from an unlikely source. one that had become an unexpected anthem. ♪ ♪ say i remember when you used to sit ♪ ♪ in the family car the back seat ♪ >> it cracked me up. i laughed and i shared it with everybody. i wanted it to have the same effect on them because it eats up a lot of the tension i was feeling. >> reporter: and for a few moments, she could imagine all
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road blocks finally out of the way. foets everything's going to be all right, everything's going to be all right ♪ >> mohammed jamjoom, cnn, beirut. >> all right. everything's going to be all right. py talked to maal al shareef on friday. she was one of the women who started that movement, she's now in dubai but drove in saudi arabia. and she was worried. there reinforce a lot of tension on friday before this thing happened. >> they had roadblocks out. the police did have roadblocks. they were checking to eif women were driving. the interesting thing, it's not actually written into law that women cannot drive. it's a religious edict. there's that iman the other day who was on saudi television saying among the risks of women driving it will damage tear ovaries. >> how ridiculous. come on, come on. it's also very expensive, too. it's a civil right. but it's very expensive for these women they a to hire drivers to do all this back and forth. it limits their freedom.
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>> there are some subtle changes happen, whether that's one of them -- nobody was locked up or anything like that. a lot of women were out there driving >> it's a good thing. >> more power to them. >> the u.s. dealing with allegations of spying on world leaders. a high profile british phone hacking at trial started today in london. >> this is a big deal, too. former top editor of the now defunct news of the world tabloid rebekah brooks, you see her there, and andy call son hon later became a prime ministerial advisor an us cooed of conspireing to illegally access cell phone messages. >> the phones belonged to the rich and famous, even regular folks. they were spying on them the tabloid was part of rupert murdoch's empire that includes fox news and "the wall street journal" in the united states. >> it's going to be fascinating hear what comes out of that. it's changed how the tabloid
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media operated in great britain. >> absolutely. >> thanks for watching. today on around the world, you're viewers here in the u.s. and internationally too. >> good to have you back. >> the i desk is up for international viewers. for the viewers in the u.s., "cnn newsroom." >> thanks for watching. >> see you tomorrow. right now, the fallout from the latest revelations on nsa surveilance and what the president knew about the active operations. we're waiting to hear more at the white house briefing about to boo gin. also, right now, the obama care website is down at least across parts of the united states again. we're going to have the details of the problems affecting health care gov and a preview ahead of what could be a tough week for the obama administration. >> right now the ellis island museum is opening once again, seeing its first visitors since it was damaged by hurricane sandy last year.


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